Learn Your Anatomy: Elbow/Forearm Learn your anatomy: Elbow/forearm The elbow does two main things – It helps the arm flex (bend) and extend (straighten). This happens at the Humero-ulnar joint which is a hinge joint. Hinge joints tend to be very stable joints....
What’s So Great About Fish Oils? What’s so great about fish oils? Did you know the average American eats like junk!? Technically you should be able to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs with simply the food you put in your body. However,...
Should I do the Keto Diet? Should i do the keto diet? The Keto diet has become a very popular way to lose weight in recent years. Keto is a form of low carb diet that utilizes a “low carb, high fat” food intake to help maintain a healthy weight with less yo-yo...
How to Burn Stored Fat During Exercise: Insulin, Glucose, and Fasting How to Burn Stored Fat During Exercise: Insulin, Glucose, and Fasting Are you timing your meals correctly to meet your exercise goals? Are you eating the right sources of fuel for your body to...
Let’s talk about hurricanes…. Why is there such mass destruction? A little bit of a breeze never hurt right?Some rain in the South is how everything stays so beautifully green out here is it not? A hurricane however, builds and builds until it finally dumps...